Taekwondo; According to the Encyclopedia of Martial Arts, Taekwondo has existed under different names for more than 1,000 years, but did not assume its current moniker until 1955. Since then, it has become a familiar name to all martial artists and is probably the most widely practiced art in the world today. Taekwondo is primarily a martial art, which practices using kicking, striking and blocking techniques in a non-lethal manner.Taekwondo is not a competition with others, but rather a competition with ourselves and our personal standards. Taekwondo is especially noted for its foot techniques, which are both fast and effective. Hand techniques are generally employed as follow-up maneuvers. When self-defense moves are utilized, they are usually safer long-range techniques that involve the use of the Taekwondo practitioner's legs. Flexibility and endurance are strong plusses when practicing Taekwondo. Besides the obvious health benefits that come from training, Taekwondo also offers practitioners self-discipline and the uncanny ability to change direction at a moment's notice. Taekwondo prepares individuals to use techniques with dexterity and speed in a competitive sport.